
The Finished DVD Cover

Fly-Trap: Shot 23

Fly Trap - Shot 22

Shot 23

Fly Trap - Shot 21

Shot 21

Shot 21

Fly Trap - Shot 20

Fly Trap - Shot 20

Precious Pet (90 second animated film) - 1

Precious Pet (90 second animated film) - 2

Precious Pet (90 second animated film) - 3

Precious Pet (90 second animated film) - 4

Precious Pet (90 second animated film) - 5

Spider Turn-Around

Venus Fly Trap - Turn-Around

Shot 11 & 12

Shot 19

Shot 18

Shot 17

Fly Trap - Title Sequence

Fly Trap - Shot 19

Fly Trap - Shot 18

Fly Trap - Shot 17

Shot 14 & 16

Shot 15

Fly Trap - Shot 16

Fly Trap - Shot 15

Fly Trap - Shot 14

Fly Trap - Shot 13

Shot 12

Fly Trap - Shot 11

Fly Trap: Shot 10

Fly Trap: Shot 9

Fly Trap: Shot 8.5

Fly Trap: Shot 8

Fly Trap: Character Sheet for the Spider

Fly Trap - Shot 4

Fly Trap: Poses for shot 8

Fly - Trap Character Model Sheet: Venus Fly Trap

Fly Trap: Shot 7

Fly Trap: Poses for Shot 7

Fly Trap: Shot 6

Fly Trap: Poses for Shot 6